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Everything posted by ElBoriixs69

  1. I've joined the forum event; Now it's your turn to win generous rewards from BC.GAME!
  2. Boa noite meus queridos amigos da BC.game! Venho por meio desta, pedir que integrem novamente ao quadro de moderados o moderador SLOW_Motion. O Mesmo sempre ajudou , fez o possível para tornar nossa experiencia muito boa na plataforma , sabemos que qualquer problema pode ser solucionado quando se tem boa vontade, O fato de banirem o Mod por um simples comentário, é uma atitude muito desprezível ao nosso ponto de vista! Vim aqui só pra exaltar o excelente trabalho que o moderador Slow_motion sempre se dispôs a fazer com maestria! Caso o mesmo não retorne as atividades, deixo registrado aqui meu descontentamento! #voltaslow ENG Good evening my dear BC.game friends! I hereby ask you to re-integrate the moderator SLOW_Motion to the panel of moderates. The same always helped, he did his best to make our experience very good on the platform, we know that any problem can be solved when there is good will, The fact that they banned the Mod for a simple comment is a very despicable attitude from our point of view! I came here just to praise the excellent work that the Slow_motion moderator has always been willing to do with mastery! If the same does not return to activities, I record my dissatisfaction here! #voltaslow
  3. DONE !Print from windows 7 ultimate, the letter was strange, and the chat back all time to Global Chat when i refresh the page....but all the others things was good to me ! Nice work Guys !
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