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Live games , crazytime , slots , moneywheel , monopoly etc. Live sports betting. A jackpot where you can put a certain ammount of your desired crypto into the pot for a chance to win when the timer ends (like 40 second every timer) and make 1 pot for btc 1 pot for eth 1 pot for xrp and so on, so people can choose which pot they want to bet on.


and that would make it not possible for people sniping a low xrp pot with 1 btc.

Edited by Jordydh
Needed to add some stuff
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I would love to see a uniswap option where we are able to swap one currency for another within BC.Game with no minimum so players can trade any amount of one for equal value of another instead of having to transfer out to a wallet/cctip and swap which incurs too many fees.



I would also like cctip to stop monopolizing and stealing our referrals by forcing users to create a new account with BC.Game (By causing users to have duplicate accounts at no fault of their own) and for BC.game to force cctip to re-instate the logout option in their app they have removed and our main accounts login option re-instated. We do the hard work of recruiting.

If you have a special agreement then provide another alternative where users can just type the command on twitter, discord etc and the amounts auto credited to the saved cctip username in our profiles.

To withdraw without opening cctip, have the option to input your or another cctip username alternative deposit/withdrawal address option.

Also remove the fees associated with withdrawing to cctip as it's an internal transfer not external.



I would also like to see you take better care of your higher level vips, (ie: 50K+ WAGERS) Not just SVIP.

Coco, roll and the most demeaning cashback/rakeback system I've ever experienced is actually an insult to those of us who spent thousands with you to reach levels prior to SVIP.

The Daily wheel should be better randomized for those who deposit a lot instead of turtl and jb 99%  of the time..

"Oh, you deposited and lost a few thousand? Here, have 0.3 DOT or some eth for your loyalty today. Oh, wow, you deposited/wagered over a bitcoin or two yesterday and lost? Here, have 200 xrp on us, good luck!


Rain chances should include depositors as well, chatting optional for even better chances, chat is very undesirable at the best of times and having to chat in the sea of too much info, my boyfriend/gf is not treating me right, should be saved for beyondblue or oprah, not for general chat.



Beggars are more fierce than before, warning leniency needs to be addressed. Maybe create a special room for newbies to auto join that randomly posts a rule, tip, links to specific task bonuses as a lot of new players are not aware of the bonuses upon joining every now and then until they reach level 2, 3 or 4 then enable other chats.

They can still private chat to their mates freely or receive tips from their loved ones who nagged them to join.

Exceeded these levels re-offending still asking for tips? Chuck them in the newbie room or a Special "Naughty Corner" with more frequently displayed tips and timer count down to learn the rules again for 24-48 hours. 

If you are concerned about alienating new users, have task bonuses updated or a popup invoked when changing rooms for the first time with a questionaire on ettiquite, tipping and the consequences. They can't say they were not blatantly warned.

TIP AND LENDING ALTERNATIVE (Totally out there idea)

Lastly, lending people is very high on this site. I'm happy to help others and don't borrow from anyone myself but this elephant in the chat rooms isn't going anywhere..

A really good option would be that BC.game acknowledge this trend and look into building a lending type option where an alternative to tipping could come into play ensuring that if someone does profit off a lend, it could be returned automatically to the tipper with a % bonus agreed by both parties when a certain win multiplier is exceeded (as frankly repaying the exact amount back, not a thank you tip included is actually rude seeing you had nothing to begin with) barely scraping the borrowers balance or filled out when the borrower pays it back manually in any currency equal to the agreed amount.

I am aware (and have been burned so many times) that lending is at our peril but the bitching and name calling and overall negativity isnt a good look to new players this incites passively less scamming if they hit a big win, can only be used by a specific minimum vip level or takes bits here and there from each lenders wins (even from their own deposits wins until its fulfilled) and auto sends it to the tipper, the lending can be paid in equivalent crypto types to the agreed amounts. 

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To be able to trade/exchange coins between players er trade box. Almost like tips but with the ability to accept and dent exchange request. Bc.games might be interested in having a benefit of a small fee for completing the process between a request or interaction.

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On 3/21/2020 at 5:30 PM, Sandro 🇺🇸 said:

I wanna advise u any.....They are all just my visions...

1.To reduce minimum withdrawal amount of any coins-

Minimum withdrwal amount of some coins are so high...Gamblers must play to reach minimum amount for withdrawal...But Any gamblers lost by playing to reach minimum amount...

2. Ban Scammer Permanent-

We reported about some scammers.But They r not banned permanently...So,Scammers are not afraid punishment & If they will be banned & they escape from Abondon,they change their names and scam back.....

3.Mods r not perfect ...Don’t be angry me.In sometimes,Not only players but also mods beg from Bosses which droppped a Drop & Rain.But Mods are not banned 😁Whatever,I think that we must get equal human rights..

All of them are not negative....I just advise to fair...I always love BC & Coco...BC make me funny & exciting....Bc is the best among which I played Gambling games.So,I always spend between 6-10 hrs per day in BC game.


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Need more opportunities level 4 player.  jb gift center available for all level...this is awesome .

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The Blessing for the Beggar's Curse: So, check it out, They (bc.game) should just put a filter on the chat that muted any posts that used the words "please, dear, tip, send, need, help, friend, No, Begging, etc" except the people who made the posts wouldn't know that they were being muted, and the list of banned words would be top secret, this way, theoretically anyways, they would eventually stop using all of the key words involved in what might be referred to as "begging" because since nobody could hear them when they were making posts with these words, they wouldn't be getting any feedback from these posts, so they would naturally begin to gravitate towards using different, less beggary language, and if they have to use words that aren't begging words, then they by matter of course are no longer begging, and in the meantime, the rest of us wouldn't have to read a bunch of beggar pollution, or tolerate seeing all the bitching being done about the begging, because these people would just be bitching and begging to themselves, and would be invisible to the rest of us while doing so, and ONLY while doing so. Also, whats even better, is that nobody would have to bitch about beggars, because they wouldn't be aware that any begging was in fact happening at all, and if they wanted to bitch anyways, well, that's no problem, because we wouldn't be aware of the bitching! How cool would that be? How come something like this hasn't been implemented? Actually for all i know, it already has, and since i used many of the keywords, i may just be pitching solutions to the begging/bitching problem to no one but myself....if that is the case, then.....awesome.

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Hi. I would like personal tipping to be replaced with a bot tipping random active users. I'm saying this because I have seen a lot a females getting ripped frequently. Also there's users transferring crypto between accounts. The best thing would be to collect tips from tippers and distribute it using a bot randomly.

Thank you for reading.

Edited by IAmGroot
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This is my advice u should make  ranks each rank should get different benefits, for example if u get gold rank u will get an extra free spin or if u get diamond rank u can get passive income but u will have to deposit any amount everyday to make the passive income work or it will stop working this is just my opinion.

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To be able to block people in chat 

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